Channeled Messages for Your Life Path #

  • Start by adding your birth month, day, and year

  • March 29th, 1997 → 03 + 29 + 1997 

  • Make sure to reduce double digits to single digits; unless a master number is present {11, 22, 33}

0+3 = 3

2+9 = 11

1+9+9+7 = 26 → 2+6 = 8 

  • Add all digits together

    Month Day Year

    03 + 11 +     8 = 22 

Note that most life path numbers will reduce down to a single digit that consists of 1-9. Unless your final sum is 11, 22, or 33 make sure to reduce, reduce, reduce!

Number 1: 

This is your moment. You have passed every single test and have proven just how capable you really are. Now is a great time to progress forward in your journey. Remember that life is a journey and not a race—pace yourself. The Universe rewards those of us who are patient. 

Number 2:

To feel emotionally balanced you must first commit to the idea that feelings are necessary. To feel means that you are alive—an entire breathing vessel with numerous opportunities to expand. Your sensitivity and tenderness are two of your strongest traits; own that. A balance of how you feel vs how the world feels will lead you to the ultimate healing. Through your own expansion you will be able to touch the hearts of many. 

Number 3:

You just want answers. A sign, a symbol, a synchronicity, something. Life has managed to knock you off of your feet far too many times—you’re  trying to make sense of it all. You’ve endured many battles, mostly reflecting your inner world. The Universe has witnessed your bravery, know that better days are coming. The toughest part is now behind you; trust. 

Number 4:

There is no need to silence our inner voices. You may be wonderful at achieving all of life’s fruits; success, riches, money. But what about your inner world? When faced with opportunities to grow spiritually do you turn a blind eye? It is time for you to listen to your inner god/goddess. Your soul is calling you to somewhere higher.

Number 5: 

When we avoid change we tell ourselves that we deserve exactly what we have been given—good or bad. But did you know that the Most High is indeed the most giving? He gives to those who allow him to; those who believe they are worthy. Your dreams deserve your attention. Your life is a testament to what happens when you take that leap. You deserve everything that is coming your way, believe it.

Number 6:

Why are you holding on? Ask yourself, what would happen if I let go? Abundance wants to come in but it can only do so if you allow. What you think flows into how you maneuver throughout the world. If you don’t think you deserve better, why should you. A detox of the mind, body and spirit is needed. Purge out all that is no longer serving you. 

Number 7: 

Normally fulfilled by having many opportunities to grow—to heal, to evolve; currently there is a translucent blindfold in front of you. The mind has become trapped and foggy. Remember that the blindfold is translucent and so seeing to the other side is possible. Be slow, be patient, release. 

Number 8:

These next few months are pivotal for you and your journey. An immense amount of energy will be supporting you in all of your endeavors. Some may call it luck, but what you’ll have is The Universe’s blessing. Know what you want, be decisive and commit. Anything you touch has the potential to turn to gold.  

Number 9:

Your hard work is paying off. You are building yourself a kingdom. A lifestyle that you have dreamed of since you were young. Know that it is written and so therefore it already exists. An opportunity to change paths is coming. There is no need to feel intimidated—you are ready. This path may not look like the one that you’re currently on but it is in alignment with the legacy that you will leave behind. Your divine purpose is waiting for you, step into it. 

Master Builder Number 11:

So this may not be your season but don't let it be your reason to give up. Instead, give in. You of all people innerstand the importance of pushing forward. These changes are only temporary. Allow yourself to be fueled by how you’re responding to these changes. Document your journey over these next few months—know that the work you’re doing today is imperative to where you are headed.

Master Builder Number 22: 

Your ability to exist within #222 worlds at once is being called into judgement. The natural number 4 energy that resides within you is challenging you to think bigger. Ideas can only flow to us and become tangible if we allow them. Find that sweet spot called balance, free yourself. 

Master Builder Number 33:

You surrendered and now it is finally time for you to move forward. A complete transformation of the mind, body and soul has allowed you to be renewed. Learning when to take action and when to take a back seat wasn’t fun but it was necessary for your growth. As a master number, you must always know when it’s time to rise and when it's time to rest.


Born and bathed in the sweet waters of Brooklyn, New York, Danajha Davis (she/her) is a shapeshifter. A true wild womban at heart, her work often bridges the gap between 222 worlds; the physical and the spiritual realms. In her spare time she enjoys activities that allow her to return back to her vessel: dancing, spiritual baths, intimate conversations, prayer and social media breaks are all a part of the nourishment. Follow Danajha on Instagram: @sunkissedmelanin